That way, you’ll have plenty of time to advertise and sell them to members of your community before the new year starts. You can help these frenzied people out and earn a little extra money by offering gift-wrapping services. You can put this saying to the test and host a yard or garage sale to raise funds for your cause. You can charge people at work, school, or even in the neighborhood a small fee ($0.50 or $1) to send out a customized note that acknowledges someone in the community.
Not only is this a great way to get people to interact with the raffle itself but will also boost your cause’s awareness. Why not hold a competition to design the best t-shirt to boost awareness for your charity and then the winner gets the original design and a t-shirt? Protfitable fire department fundraising ideas could even raffle off smaller runner-up prizes with the same design, such as keyrings, wristbands, or badges – a great way to highlight your cause and promote awareness. Dog walking, grooming, training, boarding, and pet accessories are always popular raffle prize ideas for animal lovers. Who doesn’t enjoy a little R&R, even if it’s just for a night or two?
Procuring community spotlight items like these for your silent auction benefits both your nonprofit and the businesses that provide the items. The businesses receive publicity during your event, and your organization can form lasting partnerships while bringing in revenue at the same time. A good strategy when looking for travel and experience-based silent auction items is to procure a few big-ticket vacation packages as well as some smaller travel accessories. This way, all auction participants can bid on the items that fit their budget. You also may encourage the same supporters to compete for several items, such as a trip and something they can use when taking that trip.
Giving days work so well because they install a sense of urgency and community in your donors. Your supporters will rally together to raise as much money as possible in the 24-hour period. The great thing about this type of matching donation fundraiser is that donors don’t have to be an employee of the company to have their gift matched. Each supporter builds his or her own donation page from a template tied to your main fundraising page.
When people see others’ names etched on the bricks, they will be inspired to send their donations. Regardless of what type of raffle you choose, you can count down to the raffle’s end date online to increase excitement and encourage others to donate. If you want to hold a raffle but need a raffle prize, send a fire department donation request to businesses in your community. Consider holding a single raffle if your fire department just received an excellent donation. If you have a fundraiser event planned, holding a single raffle at the event might encourage more community members to attend. While photos might be the best way to capture a memory, having a souvenir is a close second.
The intimate setting of dinner also allows the organization’s supporters, volunteers, and staff to mingle and re-commit their efforts to the organization’s goals. Partner with a local restaurant and host a luncheon for your alumni. You can host the luncheon as part of an alumni weekend or as its own event. You can either sell tickets to raise money or ask attendees for donations. College students are older and they can be great volunteers for fundraising events while also taking part in challenges and games to increase donations for the organization. A very cool fundraising idea for schools involves getting students to join in a musical competition.
This event can be held throughout the year, either at an outdoor basketball court at a park or, if the weather’s adverse, head indoors at a high school or city court. Make sure to plan ahead for the route, parking, rest stops, and other details. Larger events may require official permits and even escorts from municipal authorities. Make sure you have enough tables, and don’t let people bump into others’ tables and ruin their progress.
Our online donation tools are designed for fire department fundraisers! Our automations are designed to save you time so you can focus on helping your community. People will love bidding for items during this fire department fundraiser. You no longer need to go to the mall to buy a pretzel from Auntie Anne’s® although we’re sure you still will.
You can charge a little extra to have congregants’ names or a message engraved on the bricks they buy. Sell these at a sale after one of your Sunday services, or a holiday event. Think about turning it into an annual event that church members come to look forward to every year.